Korea’s Situation At The Start of 2011
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Summer of 2008, US President George W. Bush, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, and heads of 84 states met in Beijing. They came to attend the first Summer Olympics…
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Summer of 2008, US President George W. Bush, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, and heads of 84 states met in Beijing. They came to attend the first Summer Olympics…
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2008년 여름, 조지 부시 미국 대통령과 푸틴 러시아 총리를 포함한 세계 84개국 정상들이 베이징에 모였다. 중국에서 개최하는 첫 번째의 하계 올림픽에 참가하기 위해서다. 올림픽개막식 바로 전날 베이징 인민대회당에서 열린…
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During President Obama’s State of the Union, he mentioned Korea several times. The number of mentions were greater than that of other countries. As he was speaking about how America…
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오바마 Stat of the Union 연설 중 한국에 대해 여러차례 언급을 하였다. 이는 다른 어느 나라보다 많은 것이었다. 교육에 미국이 투자를 해야한다며 특히 양질의 교사들을 양성하는 문제에 대해 말하며…
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The 112nd Congress kicked off on January 5th with John Boehner being officially nominated as the Speaker of the House. In light of the opening of the Congress, the Korean…
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2006년 늦은 봄, 중국에게 치욕적인 수모를 안겨주는 사건이 워싱턴 DC에서 발생했다. 이 사건은 중국 공산당 지도부에게 뿐만 아니라 전중국인들을 분노케 했다. 당시 부시행정부내 반중국주의자들(소위 네오콘이라 지칭되는)은 후진타오 중국…
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The Korean American Voters’ Council met Donald A. Manzullo (IL-16), the new chair of the Subcommittee on Asia, The Pacific and the Global Environment, known for being extremely difficult to…
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On January 10th, the Korean American Voters’ Council expressed its condolences regarding the shooting of Representative Gabrielle Giffords in Arizona. The statement was faxed to Rep. Giffords’ office in Washington,…
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The following statements were made by President Obama and various senators and representatives from the Senate and the House of Representatives. Readout of the President’s Call with President Lee…
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1월 13일 맨하탄 타임스스퀘어 메리엇 마퀴스 호텔에서 열린 ‘제 51주년 뉴욕한인의 밤 / 미주 한인의 날’ 기념식에서 1000여명이 참석한 가운데, 한인 유권자 센터가 올해의 한인상 대상을 받았다. 이날…