In 1992, the Korean American community experienced the terrifying Los Angeles riots. After its founding in 1996, the Korean American Civic Empowerment (KACE) is working to develop the Korean American community into a formidable and respectable community to prevent tragedies like the Los Angeles riots from happening ever again. For this, KACE works to empower the Korean American community, raise new leaders with the Korean identity instilled in them, and foster good relations between Korea and the United States. Also, through the empowerment of the Korean American community, KACE hopes to contribute to the greater good of the United States.
Korean American Civic Empowerment registered over 30,000 Korean Americans to vote since 1996, and helps over 1,000 Korean American voters every year. KACE played a significant role in establishing Korean assistance at election sites in New York (Queens County, 2003) and New Jersey (Bergen County, 2011), and works constantly to improve Korean assistance services. KACE represented the interests of the Korean American community and succeeded in various instances: House Resolution 121 (Comfort Women Resolution, 2007), Korea’s inclusion into the US Visa Waiver Program (2008), and US’s first Comfort Women Memorial monument(2010).
Your donations will be of great help to us in empowering the Korean American community. KACE promises that it will do its best to grow the Korean American community with your contributions.
Korean American Civic Empowerment is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with the Internal Revenue Service. Your donations and contributions are tax-deductible. KACE sends out certificates of contribution within 15 days of receipt. Please take the certificate(s) to your tax professional when preparing your annual tax return.
If you choose to support us regularly or at multiple times, we can send a certificate at the end of the year as well.
For questions, please call +1-718-961-4117 or email us at