NJ 2020 Election Information

July 7, 2020 | New Jersey 2020 Primary Election
Registration Deadlines
You may register to vote at any time throughout the year. However, in order to participate in the next election, you must be registered 21 days in advance.
Mail/ In Person Registration: Application must be postmarked no later than June 16, 2020
Mail-In Ballot Application Deadlines:
Apply for Mail-In Ballot by Mail: June 30, 2020 (Not less than 7 days prior to election)
Mail-In Ballot Deadlines:
July 7, 2020: Last day to postmark ballot and must be received by the County Board of Elections no later than July 14 by 8:00 PM.
November 3, 2020 | New Jersey 2020 General Election
Registration Deadlines
Mail/ In Person Registration: Application must be postmarked no later than October 13, 2020
Mail-In Ballot Application Deadlines:
Apply for Mail-In Ballot by Mail: October 27, 2020 (Not less than 7 days prior to election)
Mail-In Ballot Deadlines:
November 3, 2020: Last day to postmark ballot and must be received by the County Board of Elections no later than November 5, 2020.
New Jersey Offices On The Ballot
- President of The United States
- One New Jersey Seat in The United States Senate
- All New Jersey Seats in The U.S. House of Representatives
- One State Senate Seat For New Jersey District 25
- One State Assembly Seat For New Jersey District 25
- New Jersey Municipality Council Seats
- New Jersey Municipality Mayoral Seats
New Jersey Party Affiliation Change
In New Jersey, voters without any party affiliation may declare it on the Primary Election day. For those who have already declared party affiliation but wish to vote for a different party in the Primary Election, you must file a change request 55 days prior to Primary Election Day.
Deadline to Change or Declare Party Affiliation: May 13, 2020