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City Hall Press Conference for Fair Redistricting

by admin1

  • Posted on March 16, 2011

  • News

The Korean American Voters’ Council, in concert with the Citizen Union and 30 other organizations, held a joint press conference in front of City Hall on March 14th.

The press conference dealt with Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Redistricting proposal, and the campaign to help it pass through the Senate.

The Korean American Voters’ Council, with Citizen’s Union and 30 other organizations, held a joint press conference in front of New York City Hall on March 14th. The organizations along with KAVC are starting ReShape NY, a campaign urging legislators to support a law that will create a non-partisan apportionment commission (A.5388·S.3419). Chejin Park, KAVC Staff Attorney, said that the Senate has been run by legislators loyal to their parties instead of their constituents and New Yorkers, and thus ignored their duty as representatives. He added that now is the time for redistricting that considers New Yorkers’ rights and political representation of minorities, and Governor Cuomo’s proposal must be passed soon. Also, he urged legislators that promised to support this legislation to keep their word.

According to information presented by the campaign, redistricting is done after the Census. Currently, a commission with 4 members of the majority party and 2 members of the minority party have control over redistricting areas and they have been biased to keep the districts of incumbent representatives as they were to ensure re-election. As a result, Governor Cuomo submitted a legislation to both the State Senate and the House that calls for an non-partisan commission but no progress was made as legislators want to keep their powers.



In the State House, twenty-four representatives sponsored the legislation together but the progress is being delayed. In the State Senate, there are no sponsors, so it is delegated in a sub-committee. Bob Abrams, Former New York Attorney General, Edward Koch, Former New York City Mayor, Frank Padavan, former New York State Senator and 9 other former politicians are in charge of this campaign.

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