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Voter’s Registration Campaign at Queens Presbyterian Church

by admin1

  • Posted on June 7, 2010

  • News



On June 6th, Korean American Voters’ Council (KAVC) visited Queens Presbyterian Church (Yaung Chun Jang, Senior Pastor) and introduced the voters’ registration campaign and other 2010 United States and New York State’s election campaign. That day, Yoon hee Choi, a parent coordinator, Jun Ho Lee, church community service manager, Joong Sauk Oh, vacation planner, Dong Chan Kim, Representative of Voters Council,  and other interns held the campaign from 9am to 4pm. Two of the 41 voters who enrolled were from New Jersey. At the same time, some Korean voters who registered said that they did not get any information or calls from the Central Election Management Committee. Some said that they could not vote last year, since they did not get a reply when they sent Medicaid application forms and Drivers License renewal form to get a right to vote. However in New York State, voters can check if their registration is valid by themselves. Voters can check by visiting the KAVC center online and looking at the quick link to see if they are registered  or not. The 2010 election is important in judging how the president is doing up till his second year in office and in selecting new senates for the states, therefore is called the “Mid-Term election.” The election for 2seat U.S. Senators is held in New York in 2010.




After being elected as the secretary of state, New York State U.S senator, Hillary Clinton gave her position to Kirsten Gillibrand. Charles Schumer is participating in the election after his term in office is over. Therefore this year will the special since there will be two senators being elected from New York State. Overall, 29 senators, New York State’s governor, State’s attorney generals, comptroller, 62 state committee members, and 150 state assembly members will be newly elected.

-New York state preliminary election is 9/14 and new voters who want to vote have to register by 10/8.
-New York State general election is 11/2 and new voters who want to vote have to register by 10/8. 



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