August 22, 2011 Buy Local Shop Smart Presentation to Assemblymember Lancman Rory
by admin1
Posted on August 23, 2011
On August 22nd, 2011, the Korean American Voters’ Council interns went to Assembly member Lancman Rory to present their Buy Local Shop Smart campaign. The following interns that presented were Cindy Park, Sangbo Nam, Sarah Kim, Daniel Chun, and Alex Kim. The interns showed Lancman Rory the importance of buying from local stores and consumer education. Just like the other council members and assembly members, the Korean American Voters’ Council interns asked Lancman Rory to join the Buy Local, Shop Smart page and to use his social network to spread the campaign. It is important for consumers to be educated about the campaign.
From left to right: [Cindy Park, Sarah Kim, Assembly member Lancman Rory, Sangbo Nam, Daniel Chun, Alex Kim.]
Lancman Rory is very supportive with the Buy Local Shop Smart campaign. He is willing to join the Buy Local Shop Smart page, give his full endorsements, and support us. The Korean American Voters’ Council is hoping for the best from Lancman Rory. With the support from Lancman Rory and the other officials, the interns are hoping that they could continue and bring prosperity to the campaign and the community.