“Buy Local, Shop Smart” Meeting with Bergen County Executive Kathleen Donovan
by admin1
Posted on August 18, 2011
On Wednesday, August 17, 2011 the Korean American Voters’ Council’s (KAVC) interns met with Bergen County Executive Kathleen Donovan to introduce their “Buy Local, Shop Smart” campaign.
The “Buy Local, Shop Smart” campaign aims to educate consumers on the importance of supporting local business research done by KAVC interns and organizations throughout the United States. Multiple studies indicate that when a consumer shifts 10% of his or her economic spending from chain stores to local stores, the economic impact on the community is increased three times. By educating the public about this coalition through this way, consumers will be able to learn that there are numerous benefits from shopping locally such as an increase in job opportunities and revenue recirculation inside the local economy.
The Korean American Voters’ Council conducted their own research, thus concluding that the number of stores closed in the Hackensack and Palisades Park area is about 16%. A study in Austin, Texas, 2002 found that if 100 dollars were spent on a large chain store, only 13 dollars were going to the local economy, while when 100 dollars were spent on a small local store, 45 dollars went to the local economy.
The Korean American Voters’ Council conducted their own research, thus concluding that the number of stores closed in the Hackensack and Palisades Park area is about 16%. A study in Austin, Texas, 2002 found that if 100 dollars were spent on a large chain store, only 13 dollars were going to the local economy, while when 100 dollars were spent on a small local store, 45 dollars went to the local economy.
Kathleen Donovan acknowledged the interns’ efforts in trying to improve the local economy. Additionally, she stated that she was impressed with the presentation tand the fact that the interns went out on the streets to count the number of stores that were closed.
The people who presented on August 17, 2011 to Kathleen Donovan are Ji-Sung Kim (Bergen Academies), Dongju Lee (Conestoga High), and Hyunjee Song (Northern Valley Old Tappan).
(From left to right: Ji-Sung Kim (Bergen Academies), Hyunjee Song (Northern Valley of Old Tappan), Dongju Lee (Conestoga High), Ester Chung, Bergen County Executive Kathleen Donovan, Jane Chun (NYU), Nuri Han (assistant program director), and Alex Lee (intern coordinator))