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Comfort Woman Memorial Petition Drive – July 15, 2009

by admin1

On July 15th, 2009, the KAVC interns campaigned for the comfort women memorial petition, and collected the filled out petition forms for the alternate side parking project. The interns divided up into two teams, one team asking for signatures, and the other team collecting the filled out forms from the stores. They walked from Murray Street to Union Street. The interns went into stores to ask for signatures.

People had mixed response toward the comfort women memorial project. Some people, even those who did not know about the comfort women issue until today, were cooperative, and signed without hesitation. The owner of Italian restaurant expressed his shock after he read about the background information regarding the comfort women. But there were also people who showed absolutely no interest toward either the petition or the issue itself. They shooed off the interns, telling them that they were too busy. Even some of the seniors, who were well aware of the comfort women issue, showed little interest.

In the end, the interns were able to get thirty signatures, fulfilling the aim.

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