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Summer Internship – Board of Elections Field Trip

by admin1

  • Posted on July 23, 2008

  • News

On July 23, 2008, the 2008 New York Summer Interns visited the NYC Board of Elections in Queens to hand-deliver 53 Korean American voter registration forms, which they collected during registration drives the last two weeks.

A receipt was received confirming that 53 voter registration forms were properly delivered, and a copy of all the forms have been archived in the KAVC office in our database for safekeeping.

In addition, the NY KAVC Summer Interns were given the special opportunity to see the four-step process which the voter registration forms are clocked in. First, the forms are time-stamped and date-stamped as they are received at the Board of Elections. Then, the forms are scanned in batches of twenty to ensure efficiency and accuracy. After being scanned in, all the registration forms are relayed to an official who inputs the forms into the main database. Finally, the forms are proofread for errors and discrepancies by trained officials. A new check & balance system was instituted recently during the final step where the form is checked by both a Democrat official and a Republican official before being submitted.

KAVC has registered 396 voters so far for the year of 2008, and will continue to register. Since the inception of KAVC in 1996, KAVC NY Headquarters has registered a total of 13,973 Korean American voters in the State of New York.

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