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Thank You Letters to Co-Sponsors

by admin1

���崺���� ��������� ���ʹ� �Ϻ��� ��� ������ο� ���� ��� H.Res 759�� �����ϴ� ��ü�ǿ�鿡�� ����� ���ϸ� ���� ��� �����ǿ���� ������ �� �ֵ��� ����� �ֱ� �ٶ�ٴ� ������ ���� �߼��ߴ�.

[Representative Name]
[Address 1]
[Address 2]

Dear Representative [Name],

On behalf of the Korean American community, the Korean American Voters�� Council of NY/NJ (KAVC) would like to thank you for co-sponsoring H. Res. 759 (the Government of Japan��s Formal Acceptance and Acknowledgement of its War Crimes against ��Comfort Women��). The initiative and participation you have taken is invaluable not only for the Korean American community but also women as a whole.

As you may already know:

+ The ��comfort women�� tragedy was one of the largest cases of human trafficking in the 20th century;
+ The ��comfort women��, which included girls as young as 13 years of age and women separated from their own children, were either abducted from their homes or lured into sexual servitude under false pretenses;
+ Germany not only prosecuted many Nazi war criminals but also offered official apologies and spent more than $60 billion in compensation to Israel and many individual victims of the Nazis, but Japan never conducted an investigation or prosecution of its war criminals, nor did it offer any official compensation to individual victims;
+ Japanese Government officials praised the removal of the term ��comfort women�� from Japanese textbooks to minimize the ��comfort women�� tragedy and other atrocities, and distort the Japanese role in war crimes during World War II; and
+ Japan is not committed to democracy since it still refuses to acknowledge the country’s legal responsibility for the victims of war crimes committed during World War II.

We look forward to collaborating our efforts with you in enlisting support from your colleagues in Washington, thereby producing concrete results pertaining to this issue. Thank you for all your efforts, time and consideration.

Most respectfully yours,

David H. Chung
Chair of Advisory Committee of KAVC

Dongsuk Kim
Executive Director of KAVC
* kavc님에 의해서 게시물 이동되었습니다 (2008-07-29 05:51)

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